
CIR/CII approvals: the key to promoting your R&D services!

When we talk about R&D or innovation, Research Tax Credits (CIR) and Innovation Tax Credits (CII) are valuable financial tools for companies. But here's the thing: for your customers to benefit from this aid, you need an essential key... l’agrément CIR ou CII. Don’t panic, FLAG is here to explain everything to you!

What exactly is CIR/CII approval?

The CIR or CII approval is a bit like a VIP badge for companies that offer research and development (R&D) or innovation services.

By obtaining this approval, your company proves that it is recognized by the State to carry out R&D&I work that meets the eligibility criteria of the CIR, respectively the CII. The CIR approval is issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the CII approval is issued by the General Directorate of Enterprises.

This administrative document allows your clients to recover 30% of your invoices for research services and 20% for innovation services. Small subtlety, for invoices for 2023 and 2024 linked to innovation activities (CII approval), the applicable rate is 30%.

Several types of structures (private companies, associations under the 1901 law, individual experts, etc.) can request approval (CIR and/or CII) provided that they are located in the European economic area.

Why request approval?

The advantages are multiple:

  1. Winning new customers : With approval, you become an irresistible option for companies that want to optimize their costs thanks to the CIR or CII.

  2. Gain credibility : You prove that your services meet the strict eligibility criteria defined by the State. A sort of medal of excellence for your company.

  3. Boost your turnover : By expanding your customer base and offering a financially attractive service, you are paving the way for sustainable growth.

How to obtain CIR or CII approval?

Good news: while the process may seem a little daunting, it remains accessible with a little organization (and help from FLAG, of course!). Whether it’s a first application or a renewal, here are the main steps:

  • 1 / Check your eligibility

    Make sure that your services fall within the scope of scientific, technical research or innovation within the meaning of the tax definitions. Identify one that is most representative of your expertise/activities.

  • 2 / Build your file to demonstrate your skills

    • A presentation of your structure and economic and HR data (CERFA n°10198*09)
    • A precise description of the selected R&D or innovation operation
    • Concrete examples of past or current projects.
    • Your customer references to support your expertise.

      Additional supporting documents:
    • The CVs and diplomas of the participants in the research or innovation operation,
    • KBIS extract or equivalent,
    • Other R&D indicators,
    • Company presentation brochure or equivalent.In short, it's time to show your talent with solid and well-documented evidence.

  • 3 / Submit your request

    • CIR approval: Your file must be sent via the official public services portal (https://demarches.service-public.fr/pro_mademarche/DACIRORG/demarche?execution=e1s1), accompanied by the required documents.
    • CII approval: Your file must be sent to the General Directorate for Enterprises (DGE) by post or via electronic procedure.

      It is possible to make a single application to request CIR and CII approval, in which case the CIR procedure applies. It is also possible to request an extension of your CIR approval to obtain CII approval, without creating a specific file. The Ministry in charge of Research is then authorized to issue CII approval.

Deadlines to be respected

  • This is your first request for approval, you have between 1st January and March 31 of the requested year to submit your CIR approval file and until September 30 for CII approval. Otherwise, the application will concern the following year.
  • You are already approved and you wish to request renewal, in this case you must submit the file between August 15 and November 30 of the last year of validity of your approval.

  • 4/ Wait for the response

    Once your application has been submitted, you have to wait... On average, expect 8 months to obtain a response from the MESR.

FLAG, your co-pilot to obtain your CIR/CII approval

Read to start?

With the CIR or CII approval, you open the way to new opportunities for your business. And with FLAG at your side, you benefit from expert support to maximize your chances of success.

Want to get started? Contact us! Together, let's take your ambitions to the next level.

Flag, the one-stop-shop for financing innovation.