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Taxation of innovation

Don't compromise on your R&D; it is crucial for positioning your company among the leaders in your sector! The various fiscal and social measures implemented by the administration allow you to lighten the financial burden of technology on your cash flow and strengthen the competitiveness of your products and services.


Calling on Flag's experts guarantees you peace of mind and efficiency in handling the technicalities of the CIR/CII/JEI process.

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Secret sauce

Our methodology is well-proven, offering you real guidance through the CIR process and its associated risks. We act as your partner, providing a multidisciplinary project team that understands your technological environment. No unnecessary client interfaces or simulators, we get straight to work!

The Research Tax Credit (CIR) is a fiscal support mechanism for research and development. The eligible expenses are varied: personnel costs, approved subcontracting, depreciation allocations, young PhD hires, industrial property, technological watch, standardization activities... 30% of the eligible expenses are recovered in the form of a tax credit.


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The Innovation Tax Credit (CII) is a fiscal support mechanism for certain innovation expenses. It is reserved for SMEs. The ceiling for eligible expenses is €400,000.
Since 2023, 30% of eligible expenses are reimbursed in the form of a tax credit.


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The accreditations allow a subcontracting company to enable its clients to include the R&D or innovation expenses entrusted to it as part of their eligible expenses for the Research Tax Credit (CIR) and/or the Innovation Tax Credit (CII).


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The Collaborative Research Tax Credit (CICO) supports companies engaging in R&D work within the framework of research collaborations with certain research organizations. It is limited to €6M of declared expenses. The aid is in the form of a tax credit equal to 50% of the eligible expenses for SMEs; 40% for mid-sized companies and large enterprises.


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The Young Innovative Company (JEI) status allows for a significant reduction (about 50%) in employer social security contributions for employees whose main activity is research and development or innovation. We assist with the ruling procedures to ensure validation of the JEI status by the administration, thereby securing the exemptions associated with this status.

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The Video Game Tax Credit (CIJV) is a tax scheme for video game development companies established in France. The CIJV cap per company is €6 million per fiscal year. The tax relief rate is 30% of development expenses.


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The IP BOX allows certain income from the sale, licensing, or sub-licensing of intellectual property rights, including software protected by copyright, to be taxed at a separate rate of 10%. Eligibility for the IP BOX is contingent upon R&D expenditures that led to the creation of the valued intangible assets. 


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Our one-stop shop intervenes at every key stage of the financing of your company.